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Essential bathroom accessories every bathroom needs

Bathroom décor involves more than you might think. The easiest thing is to focus on practical things like the shower, brushing teeth and the toilet. But not all bathrooms are the same. Some houses may just have a bathtub in the bathroom, while other houses have a toilet, shower and bathtub in one room. The composition of the household also determines the décor and facilities in your bathroom. - So be honest; have you actually thought of everything? An overview of essential bathroom accessories for every bathroom will help you.

Does your bathroom really have all the comforts and functionalities?

Bathroom accessories for showering and bathing

Washing your hair, shaving, scrubbing your body, brushing your teeth, singing, humming and whistling: what do you need during your ritual under the shower or in the bath? A few suggestions:

  • A shower rack for your toiletry products like shampoo, shaving cream and shower gel;
  • Shower squeegee for a streakless shower cubicle or bathroom walls;
  • Shower stool, always useful for showering small children, or being able to grab something up high;
  • Bath shelf to set up small accessories when you're relaxing in the bath;
  • Anti-slip shower mat;
  • Shower mat for the bathroom floor.

Bathroom items for grooming or doing your make-up in front of the mirror

Uh-oh! In the mornings, time is often in short supply and in the evenings you just can't wait to hit the sack. Then it's a blessing to have all the necessary bathroom items at hand. So, make sure you have these items near your bathroom mirror: