Besides beautiful products and sustainable ideas, you can get loads of inspiration from us. From the smartest household tips to a recipe, the latest trend colours, and a practical guide to a tidy home. Turn your daily rituals into your escape plan. The inspiration to be able to do that, can be found here.

We know most people don't like chores. That's precious time to waste. Get inspired, live in the moment, enjoy every minute of your life. Stop searching for perfection, it does not exist. Make mistakes, take risks, enjoy the trip. Life is surprisingly funny, laugh with it. Enrich your daily routines, learn to love them. Search every day for moments and make them special. Take pleasure in doing the little things, let them lift you up. Your daily rituals are your escape plan, a chance to relax, to live in the moment, to get connected. Me-time, zen-time, music-time, family-time. Let yourself be surprised by spontaneity and chance, let it give you new ideas. But never forget that it is your life to enjoy.