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Tips for a perfectly organised wardrobe

Do you fancy 5 more minutes in bed each morning? Organise your wardrobe and you’ll spend less time looking for that favourite pair of jeans or top.

An organised wardrobe means you’ll know where everything is, from belts and shoes to summer dresses or winter jumpers. Here’s how to have an organised wardrobe.

Clear out

First, get rid of the clothes you no longer wear. In true Marie Kondo style – if it doesn't spark joy, say goodbye! Be ruthless. Are you really going to wear that sparkly skirt again? And if you're keeping clothes hoping you might ‘slim back into them’, don’t kid yourself.

Just think how much fun it’ll be to shop for new clothes. If you haven't got much spare cash, don't worry, as you can pick up some great bargains in charity shops.


If you don't have room in your wardrobe for everything, pack away clothes as the seasons end. You won't be wearing your shorts or woolly cardigans for 6 months, so pack them away. The same goes for footwear. You don't need flip flops in the winter or boots in the summer, so tidy them away until next season.

Fold clothes carefully to protect them. Store them in sealed boxes or suitcases. Stackable laundry boxes are a great space saver and are ideal for clothes storage. So is the folding laundry basket, which packs away when you don't need it.

If you have a spare wardrobe (in a guest room?) hang clothes in it and use clothes covers to stop them getting dusty. A great alternative to a wardrobe for clothes storage is a clothes rack (take a look at ours that has handy shelves on the bottom).

And when you get your clothes out next season it's like having a whole new wardrobe!


Sort your clothes by category. Keep jeans, skirts, tops, t-shirts, dresses and trousers together. You can even put them in colour order.

This goes for shoes too – heels, flats, boots and sports shoes.

Roll t-shirts and underwear before putting them away to save space.

Pack winter coats or summer jackets up as soon as the weather changes.

And finally – use good quality hangers to keep your clothes in pristine condition.

It’s time to practise your wardrobe organisation skills!