Windy weather can be perfect for getting your washing dry, but you need to keep it off the ground too. Our Brabantia rotary washing line spikes keep your dryer stable and secure in the ground, with no risk of your washing landing in a puddle. Our rotary dryer spikes offer:
Keeping your dryer secured in even the windiest weather is easy with our reliable Brabantia washing line spikes. Buy alongside our rotary dryers for a reliable and secure way to keep your dryer in the ground and steady while your clothes dry.
Team a reliable rotary airer with our rotary airer spikes and dry your clothes the natural way. Our garden airer spikes pair perfectly with your chosen rotary airer and drying your clothes outside helps them smell fresh and can be much quicker than drying inside. When the weather is bright enough make the most of it and dry your clothes naturally with our Brabantia airers and rotary airer spikes.