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Organise your home and create order from chaos

The path to a clutter-free home:

If you feel like you're entering a disaster zone every time you walk through the front door, it’s time to get organised. If you don't know where to begin, our handy tips will set you on the path to a clutter-free home.

The key to being organised is using daily habits so the chores don't build up.


Cleaning as you go when you're cooking saves space and time. Wash up or load the dishwasher as you prepare meals and wipe down surfaces regularly. This is also important for keeping things hygienic in the kitchen.

Kitchen organisation is also about the right equipment. Invest in a good bin or even two or three – for rubbish and recycling. Use hooks and rails to hang the utensils you use regularly. And a smart sink organiser will keep your brushes and cloths neat and tidy.

Another tip is never to go to bed leaving dirty plates in the sink. Who wants to face the scraps of last night’s dinner in the morning?


A bathroom bin will help keep things organised. Throw away toiletry bottles, toothpaste tubes and loo roll insides as soon as they’re finished.

Go through bathroom products every couple of months and discard those old bottles of moisturiser, deodorant and shampoo you know you’ll never use. Always keep a nice new spare shower gel and other bathroom toiletries so you never run out.

A few minutes each day putting things away will save you hours of tidying up in your leisure time.


Instead of leaving piles of clothes on chairs (or the floor!) and just grabbing something to wear each day put away your clothes regularly. This goes for both laundry and clothes you'll wear again.


Ensure towels, bed linen, spare duvets and pillows have a home. Use baskets and bins to store them in the airing cupboard or cupboards. Once you’ve organised everything in this way it’s easy to get in the habit of putting them away when you've done the laundry or had guests to stay.


One final tip is to put keys, shoes, bags and coats away as soon as you get in. Don't dump!