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How to get rid of unnecessary stuff

If you don´t use it, get rid of it! This may seem a little harsh but take a look around your home and you’ll see just how much clutter you´ve gathered over the years. Now imagine the feeling of order and calm when you walk into a room that’s neat and tidy and you know where everything is. Japanese tidying guru Marie Kondo creates order from chaos and we love her philosophy – if you don´t use something or it doesn´t make you happy get rid of it. Take control – it’s time to say goodbye to the clutter.

The rules for getting rid of unnecessary stuff

We’ve picked three main areas to address when getting rid of your unnecessary stuff. Focusing on these is a start and will encourage you to clear other areas of your home.

1. Clothes

Be brave with the clothes you don´t wear. Marie Kondo’s method is to take everything (yes everything, from your coats and shoes to those much-loved t-shirts) out of the wardrobes and cupboards and put it in a pile. You’ll be amazed at how many clothes you have. Next sort out what you want to keep and what you no longer wear. Marie’s method is to say ‘thanks and goodbye’ to the clothes you’re going to get rid of, then put them in a bag ready for the charity shop.

2. Books/toys/games

Are you keeping toys and books for sentimental reasons? Ask yourself if you will ever use any of them again. If not they could benefit someone else. Clear out books and toys together with the kids or family so you can all take responsibility for getting rid of the things you don´t need.

3. Drawers

We all have a ‘useful things’ drawer full of batteries, pens, coins, and general stuff we think might need one day. You might even have several of these drawers. Spend an hour clearing each drawer. Put everything in its right place or throw away all the junk you´ve accumulated that you’ll probably never need.

Boxes and baskets

These are a great way to store the things you decide to keep and mean you´ll always be able to find things.

Remember – less is more so start getting rid of your unnecessary stuff today and create a sense of order in your life.