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Cauliflower in three ways

If you are a bit environmentally conscious, you probably know to avoid using certain vegetables in your recipes in the winter. Green beans, for example, must come a long way in the cold winter months. This is not only bad for the environment, but the vegetables are also less fresh. And that means less vitamins. So, it’s better to eat with the seasons or choose vegetables that can be harvested all year round. This month we are showing you three surprising recipes with cauliflower!

Cauliflower, quite tasty after all!

Cauliflower was never my favourite - the nutmeg and creamy sauce that often goes with it I also didn't like. But now I think differently! Cauliflower is actually super versatile, delicious in soup, as the basis for fried rice or in a vegetarian curry with chickpeas.

1. Cauliflower sandwiches

Did you know you can bake buns with cauliflower? Cauliflower has a neutral taste by nature. A pinch of oregano, thyme or rosemary can give your sandwich just that little bit of spice. Delicious and healthy, because in this way you also get your share of vegetables.

What you need for 6 sandwiches:

  • ½ ground cauliflower (approximately 400 grams)
  • 300 grams self-rising baking flour
  • 2 large eggs
  • 3 tablespoons milk
  • pinch of sea salt
  • pepper
  • tablespoon of herbs (oregano, rosemary or thyme)

Preheat the oven to 190 °C. Grind the cauliflower down into couscous-sized grains and mix it with the self-rising baking flour. Slowly stir in the eggs and milk and season with salt, pepper and herbs. Roll 6 even balls with wet hands and place them on a baking tray lined with baking paper. For a nice golden brown colour, brush the buns with some olive oil. Bake the buns for 25-30 minutes. Serve with a generous lick of salted butter or delicious with (cauliflower) soup (see below!).



"Tasty and healthy, because you get your share of vegetables right away!"


2. Creamy cauliflower soup with spring onion

Do you have half a cauliflower left over? Make it into soup. You can also use the stalk in the soup. No-waste cauliflower soup! Serve this soup as a meal or a smaller portion for lunch, and make sure to add a nice (cauliflower) bread :).

What you need:

  • ½ cauliflower (approx. 400 grams)
  • 1 medium-sized potato
  • 1 onion
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1 vegetable stock cube
  • 700 ml water
  • 3 spring onions
  • heaped tablespoon of crème fraise
  • olive oil
  • whole black pepper

Put a dash of olive oil in a saucepan. Fry the onion and the crushed garlic clove for about 3 minutes on medium heat. Cut the stalk into cubes and fry for a few minutes together with the cauliflower florets, onion and garlic. Dice the potato and add it to the saucepan. Mix the stock cube and water and add to the pan. Bring everything to the boil, then turn down the heat and leave the soup to simmer for around 15 minutes. Remove a few cauliflower florets from the pan and save them for the garnish. Puree the soup using a blender, adding in a generous spoonful of "crème fraiche. Stir well and finally, sprinkle rings of spring onion and a few cauliflower florets over the soup as a garnish, adding some black pepper as a finishing touch.

Extra tip: roast some almond shavings and sprinkle over your soup before serving. A delicious springtime meal. Enjoy your meal!

  1. Kitchen Scales TASTY+ - Jade Green
  2. Chopping Board Medium - Profile
  3. Chef's Knife TASTY+ - Dark Grey
  4. Paring Knife TASTY+ - Dark Grey
  5. Baking Spatula plus Scraper TASTY+ - Fir Green

3. Pickled cauliflower

A sweet and sour bite of cauliflower; great for a drink on the side or with oriental dishes (deliciously refreshing with a portion of noodles!). This sweet and sour cauliflower is very easy to make and there are lots of variations.

What you need:

  • 1 small cauliflower
  • 400 ml white vinegar
  • 250 ml water
  • 150 grams granulated sugar
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • star anise
  • inch of peeled ginger in slices
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric
  • 1 teaspoon curry

Optional: clove of garlic, bay leaf, juniper berries, cumin and/or chili flakes.

Cut the cauliflower into small florets and cook briefly (for around 3 minutes). Rinse the cauliflower and set aside. Heat the vinegar with the water and sugar and bring to the boil. Once boiled and the sugar has dissolved, add all ingredients, including the cauliflower florets. Heat for about 5 minutes on low heat. Spoon everything into clean jars and leave to cool down completely. Then close the jar. Your sweet and sour cauliflower will keep for about three weeks in the fridge.

Wimke Tolsma,

Ambassador Brabantia
